Was the world created last week? NO! Believe it or not, communications and audio technology has been around for quite a while now. So why slave away learning all the hard lessons the hard way when we can learn them the easy way - by reading the reports of our forefathers? The more you read the more you discover that regardless of technology,
The 1956 Melbourne Olympics - the Telecommunications Role
Back in 1956 there were NO international cable or sattelite links to the rest of the world. NO Television. Results came in to the Telex room. The "Press Gallery" consisted of a granstand filled with hundreds of reel to reel tape recorders. Reports would be recorded
by journalists then "uploaded" through an analog broadcast network using precious time shared on long wave HF OTC links to the rest of the world. Fascinating stuff!
The Adelaide Festival of Arts - Big PA in the early '60s!
The "Line Array" concert sound loudspeaker. Nowadays considered as the ultimate in modern technology. That's those big
long banana shaped stacks of speakers you see hanging on either side of a stage when you go to see your favourite artist at your local stadium. But is the concept of a "Line Array" actually even MODERN at all? Or is it a recycled idea from a forgotten age?
ADSL - the 1993 Version !
Where would we be today without the ubiquitous ADSL modem router sitting on the shelf, giving us access to the now essential internet? How would you react if you found out that this technology is OVER 20 YEARS OLD? Read all about the Simon Rosenthal,
Telecom led revolution in the early 1990s. Only two years later, Telstra suddenly closed the entire project and scked everyone involved
because they feared it would put their 1990's cash cow baby (the ISDN Line) at risk. It wasn't until 1999 that the Govenment finally insisted Telstra allow ADSL into it's network. That was seven years of development we lost. Is it any wonder why Australia is now the
internet backwater of the world?
ADSL - the 1991 Version
And if that weren't enough. Now we find out that ADSL was well and truly on the books in 1991. Man that was alost the '80s!
The Civic Exchange Fire - Disaster Control 1962 style
On 22nd November 2012 in Warnambool Victoria, a fire destroyed a room between a MDF and an Equipment room at the telephone exchange. The resulting fallout crippled an entire corner of the country for three weeks and raied serious questions about the security of our telecommunications networks. In this article, we find out that yes - this wasnt an isolated incident. We've been here before! Find out about the incredible effort launched to replace a 6800 line SxS exchange in the heart of Canberra using nothing more than nine portable SxS exchanges and alot of multi pair cable run across streets between pits!
Studio Monitor Speakers - 1962 Style
We sit here in the future, reading about the quest for perfection in loudspeaker technology. But have we been here before?
ABC Studios Rosehill WA - State of the Art 1962
So.. we set the wayback machine for 1962. What di a radio studio look like? How was it wired up?