ABOVE : Victor Bilokin at the test desk at Granville exchange (Sydney).
This exchange was cutover in 1992
ABOVE : General view of suites of SxS at REVESBY in 2002.
BELOW : These five photos show REVESBY SxS exchange in 2002. At that time, an early attempt had been launched to preserve this exchange however a certain area Manager in Telstra who disliked the idea, found room in his budget to pay six staff, double time and a half over the Christmas break in late 2002 to completely strip this exchange and have the entire contents delivered to the scrappers before the movement could gain pace or anyone else noticed. Such was the hostility of Telstra in the early noughties!
BELOW : A few photos of unidentified exchange, circa 2001 The two top photos show a classic ARF Crossbar GIV stage (Incoming Group Selector) with the markers at the far end.
ABOVE : SxS test routiners at unidentified exchange clearly showing red
"Recover" scrawled on the covers. "recover" means "Tear out and scrap".
ABOVE : SxS Subscribers Meters. Every three months some unfortunate employee had to read and record every meter and forward the reading to
accounts for billing to the respective customer.